

What do you like about you?  What can you do that once it is  done you feel good knowing it’s a, “job well done”  It is so important to live our true selves and stop comparing ourselves with others.  When we use our gifts and abilities we are the best of who we were meant to be. As much as we try to emulate what others do we can’t.  We never will be that individual or do life the way they do it.  The trap of comparing oneself with someone you admire will stop you from being you.  Do you and by all means compliment others on what you admire about them.
When we compare we trap gremlins and those voices can easily convince us that we are inferior to another human. It’s good to admire what others do but only to use it to inspire us and to try new things with our own talents and perfect our own skills.  If not you will surely get stuck in the comparison trap in all areas of life, whether it’s the person’s way of dressing, their lifestyle, work, the way they talk or even the kind of home they have made for themselves. We too often think our talents are silly, not good enough and far from being worthy and we fail at being persistence in using them.  Instead use your own personality and have a clear understanding of who you are and what you can create.
It breaks my heart as I observe how our children give up on things (they really want to do) much because they have adopted our habits of comparing ourselves with others. Even teachers can do much damage in the classroom to students and have no idea they are doing it.
I can recall many times someone has given me a compliment on something, whereas, I thought that certain something was my worse.  I would try to justify it instead of simply saying, “thank you”.  Who we are and how we are created are so necessary for our wellbeing.  Happiness starts on the inside.  What we have on the inside of us no one can express it better than us because there is only one of us, that received it like we received it.
My work dances at the intersection of places and things and especially people, in hope it enable someone to live at their best every day.  I aim to inspire, encourage, provoke, delight, and enable imagination and wonder.  I believe, if we can imagine it, we can make it happen.
We never know how our work will touch someone who has been guided in our direction, which is one reason why I keep sharing what I am given.  We all are creative being so don’t allow fear self-doubt and judgment get in the way of your gifts.  Find your authentic creative self to show and be proud of it.  The only green light we need to move forward is inside of us

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