

Come What May – Enjoy Your Day.  May is a beautiful month to live in each moment.  It’s the only way to enjoy life each day to the fullest without anxiously dreading or expectantly hoping for the future moments to come.  When we are tuned into practicing mindfulness we can hush the buzzing of our minds to enjoy each moment of life.  Today’s fresh air is a great spirit’s gift within us.  It allows us to be present and welcome each present moment.  When we make a conscious effort to be aware of the presence with all of our senses each breath saturates and relax every area of the body while we live it with all our heart.

Living in each moment relieves constant busyness, technology addictions, symptoms of depression, stress, burnout, and breaks up emotional, physiological and spiritual blockages.  Too often when our minds are cluttered with thoughts we experience forgetfulness, clumsiness, feeling lost, fatigue and trouble staying focused.

Calming the breath is the key to calming the nervous system and the mind and returns us to peace and clarity.  You don’t think of the past anymore.  You don’t think of the future and you don’t think of what’s ahead (tomorrow) when your attention is focused on each breath in (inhale) and each breath out (exhale).  A deep inhale and a slow yawn like exhale will refresh and clear your body physically, emotionally and spiritually. During the next five minutes try it, you might like it.

While sitting in a crossed-legged position or in a chair lean forward from the hip joint and relax your arms and your hands and only concentrate on your breathing.  As you exhale slowly pull the navel in and up toward the spine.  Allow each breath to gently deepen into your belly and roll up from the inside of your spine allowing oxygen into every part of the body releasing emotional tension. While focusing on each breath in and out, picture yourself as a tree, with roots growing from the sole of your feet sinking them deeper and deeper into the soil extracting nourishment and energy.  As you bring it into your body it will give you a stronger foundation, and a sense of calmness. Wherever you are or whatever you are doing allow your breathing to increase your energy, giving you more sex drive, clarity and peace of mind.

Try to get outside daily to enjoy the sounds of the nature and the beauty that surrounds.  If you are grounded and can’t get outside try to soak up as much sunlight coming through a window as possible. Sunlight is like natural rays of energy healing from the heavens.  Sit still let it radiate into your skin in the am and pm while practicing simple breathing as described above.  No matter how old we are or feel, how we breathe will lead the way we live.

I prefer to feel calm and relaxed over confused. Spending time in nature is one of the most powerful ways I give myself a mental reboot and reinstate a sense of ease that washes my spirit clean.  It improves my energy level, and attention to be in acceptance of the moment I am in without trying to resist or control it.  Its healing power replenishes and recharges my whole being.

Enjoy the moment you’re in.  Life is meant to be lived with peace in each precious moment.  Come what may, tolerate it, accept it, and embrace it.  Love it like a fire burning strong, till night comes and has gone.

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